Thursday, October 11, 2007

Call it a taper if you like... I'll call it having a cold.

Saturday, it started off as a sore throat. Not a big deal, really- a couple of sprays with the medicine and I was fine.

Didn't feel that much on Sunday during the duathlon. When I finally let myself feel it, it had worked it's way into my sinuses, where it's managed to lodge itself pretty well. I've been taking OTC drugs, and they've helped.

On the other hand, my training hasn't been all that much to write home about- took Monday and Tuesday off, did a very easy four yesterday, and meant to get in six to eight today but didn't think to do it this morning... and it was too late. Oops. So, if four days I'll have racked up four miles running, no swimming, no biking. Not my typical training regimen.

I'm okay with that- my body needs the time to fight off the infection, and I imagine it's also healing itself of the training abuses, too. My legs felt extra springy yesterday, and hopefully they'll feel even better tomorrow.

But with 10 days left till the marathon, I'd better let my body do this right and not screw it over by doing too much too quickly. I was happy enough to let the duathlon go by giving 85% of max effort. For this race... well, my plan is 75% for the first half, 85% till mile 20 and whatever I've got left for the final 6.2.

We'll see if I'm able to hold to it. I've been pretty mediocre at hanging on to plans in the past. :P


Sun Runner said...

OK, now I feel like I've been jinxed. I have been experiencing the first stirrings of some viral illness for the past two days. This morning I gave myself a warm-water sinus flush to try and wash out some of the goop and I have my bag o' zinc lozenges at hand for the rest of the day. I really can't afford to get sick now, as you well know!! I have to run 10 miles tomorrow, and of course then there's the race itself.

Last time I dealt with a rhinovirus I kicked it in three days and it never ballooned into a full-blown cold...I think my overall excellent health had a lot to do with it. I'm hoping that's the case this time, too.

Tina said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Rest, Rest, and Rest...Your training this summer has primed to set a blazing new PR!