Thursday, January 10, 2008


So I was running along a road that parallels trails not far from my apartment complex. I heard some rustling, and I saw a runner in a gray sweatshirt a bit behind and off to the side of me. About a minute later, I hears some similar rustling, and I saw a gray squirrel running behind me- same course, same speed, same color gray.

My first thought was the most obvious- of course the runner had turned himself into a squirrel.


Anonymous said...

but, it's wabbit season! :)

Anonymous said...

were the runner and the squirrel wearing the same kind of shoes? :)

kaitlin said...

hahahah of course that is what happened!! so, i know we still haven't gotten to meet....but i miss you being in michigan! however, i do hope that everything is going wonderfully in your new home. =)