Sunday, May 22, 2011


It's time to start considering goals.

First, if all the things I can't control go perfectly:
Fly goal: 3:15
Happy goal 3:22
Content (New PR) goal: 3:27:44
Stuff happens: 3:35

Breaking 3:20 would be pretty amazing.  So would not hitting the wall. I'd like to negative split; I'd also like to run the last 10K faster than the first.

Mostly, I just want to have a good run, and an enjoyable time. There will be plenty of other races in the future, and I hope to be running them, too.  :)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Great advice you left on my blog- thanks! You're right, there are tons of races out there to do.

I think you said it well with "I just want to have a good run, and an enjoyable time."

Good luck on your marathon!