Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week in review...

It was a good week of running.

First, the summery:

M- 6
T- 10 (bike) and weights
W- 13.7
F- 9
Sa- 12.5
Su- 8.5

49.7 running
10 biking

As I noted before, the weights was a nice change, and it made me feel stronger as I ran things like hills. 

Also, today I ran the Run Through Hell race, getting a 10K PR- 44:04 (garmin time), pace of 7:06.  I'm really very pleased with that- I went in thinking 7:15-7:45 was about as good as I could expect considering the hills, the crowd, and that yesterday's run was pretty tough.

Things I wish I could have done better:
Remembered a post-race snack for afterward.  I was *hungry*.
Started up a little bit... I had to weave around a lot of people at the early stages of the race.  Even though I thought I was fairly close to the start, I probably should have been further up.
Worn better shoes- I should've donned my racing flats.  The Elixers are nice, but they're getting a little long in the tooth, and I did have both the Kinvaras and Fastwitch in my trunk.  Ah well, next time.

Good times!

1 comment:

Dave Kramp said...

Nice! Any PR is a good race!