Saturday, January 2, 2010

'Bit chilly out there today... time to overdress!

At 7:00 today, it was 12 degrees real temp, -4 with wind chill. So I dressed up in my usual cold weather gear, threw a windbreaker over it, wind pants over the insulated tights, and thought: "I'll be fine."

I wasn't fine. I was over dressed, dammit! three miles in I tied the windbreaker around my waist, and I was still sweating- which is a bit chill when the wind gusts up to 20 mph. Brooks paradox mittens when into my pockets, along with my hat. Kept the balaclava on, though.

Under armour coldgear mock turtleneck with a regular short sleeved wicking tee over it, and I was still sweating through. Could be the legs were just too warm. Hm...

Beautiful day for t a run, though. Sun was up, and I was running with friends. It's been a while since I'd joined them on a Saturday. Felt nice. Maybe I'll wake up early enough to join them on their 7:00 AM run. Ugh...

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