Monday, January 4, 2010

Maybe not so much with the fencing...

So, I've been trying to figure out different methods of cross training that would make me appreciate running more, and strengthen areas which running doesn't.

Yoga would be my first choice, if I could find a place that I could do it within my budget. I wish the studios were a little less trendy, but what can you do?

SCA fencing was my second choice. Lot's of lateral motion, and it's a game which requires a lot of thinking. Though speed and endurance help a lot, too.

The problem is, I hurt my right foot on a run a few weeks back. Nothing major, but just a pain in the arch. it's possible I've compensated a bit since I first injured it... the pain has spread to the outside of my foot.

None of it is to the point of worrying- it only hurts when I start moving after sitting for a long time, and its more stiffness than actual discomfort- most of the time. But the overall pain in my foot has gone up since fencing yesterday, and that worries me a bit.

So I'm probably going to can that method of cross training. And explore my options with respect to yoga perhaps a bit more...


Lynda Lippin said...

Just wondering if you've ever tried Pilates? The focus and stretching from yoga combined with the strength and core work of calisthenics and cross training.

Fritz said...

i was introduced to a Pilates studio a few years ago. i liked what I saw there, but again, like with yoga, there's a cost involved.