Friday, January 15, 2010

Weirdly consistent pacing...

I know it doesn't really mean anything, but I gotta say, I find this a little odd.

My paces (according to Garmin) during my five minute LT intervals today:
7:35, 7:35, 7:35, 7:35, 7:28, 7:28.

My paces during the one minute rest intervals between each set:
9:06, 10:00, 9:06, 9:06, 9:06, 9:06.

I am not that consistent of a runner. for most of the LT intervals I started off too fast, saw that I was sub-7, and slowed down to something that would make the average pace near where I wanted it.

But I'm pretty sure that my garmin wouldn't lie, change the numbers because it likes symmetry, or whatever. it's just... curious. ~anyway~ :)


Sun Runner said...'re better than you think!

That, or Garmin has become self-aware and is hatching an evil plot to rule your life through consistent pacing. Watch out.

Fritz said...

possible... though the garmin already controls a big portion of the *fun* part of my life. doesn't make a lot of sense to want to control the rest, when all is said and done. :P